Massimiliano Audretsch designer based in Düsseldorf, Germany. In a versatile approach to his design practice he combines graphic design and font publishing with design education and type related artistic research.

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Type Design
Massimiliano Audretsch co-founded the type design label and studio Gruppo Due along with Moritz Appich, Jonas Grünwald and Bruno Jacoby. They create typefaces and distribute font licenses to a variety of international customers. Contact Gruppo Due for more informations.

G2 Airdancer (tba)
G2 Ciao 2020+2023
G2 TGR 2020
Blitz 2017

Art Direction
Lookbook, Tíscar Espadas 2022
Merch, Luis Ake 2023
Editorial, Post-Digital Design 2022 with J/K
Lettering, Tíscar Espadas 2022
Branding, Type O'Clock 2023
Branding, extraextra 2024
Lookbook, Tíscar Espadas 2023
Custom Typeface, HfMDK 2019 with S-T-A-T-E
Editorial, Luis Ake 2023
Installation, Beyond Cities 2022
Illustration, Yet No Yokai 2021 with J/K
Campaign, Case à Chocs 2021 with Koutrios
Lettering, Tíscar Espadas 2023
Lettering, Case à Chocs 2021 with Koutrios
Custom Typeface, Lomann 2020 with Koutrios

Starting 2018 Massimiliano Audretsch was engaged as a lecturer at a number of art schools. During this period he was employed at the University of Arts in Bern 2022 – 2024, at University of Arts and Design in Karlsruhe 2018 – 2021 as well as guest teaching at the Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp 2021, the Hessen State University of Art and Design in Offenbach 2023, the Y-Institut 2024 and the Bauhaus University, Weimar 2024.

The Ciao project, developed by Gruppo Due, is a multidisciplinary research initiative that explores the relationship between typography, voice, and identity, drawing inspiration from an undated sketch by William Addison Dwiggins. The project, which began as typographic research in 2019, has evolved into a comprehensive multimedia exhibition, culminating in a typeface family of 18 styles, a publication, and a video lecture. The work critically examines traditional norms in typography by integrating vocal practices into design spaces, paying homage to Dwiggins' legacy. The Ciao project was funded by Berner Design Stiftung 2022 and Kultur Stadt Bern 2023.

→ Projektil Festival Weimar 2024
→ HEAD Genève 2024
→ ZHdK Zurich 2024
→ "Autumn School", HfG Offenbach 2023
→ HSLU Lucerne 2023
→ Moderation "Time is Money", HKB Bern 2023
→ HGK Basel 2023
→ HfG Karlsruhe 2023
→ Co-Moderation "L.A.N.", HKB Bern 2022
→ HKB Bern 2022
→ "Typo Club", HKB Bern 2021
→ ERG Brussels 2021
→ Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp 2020
→ Weltformat Festival Lucerne 2019
→ Saturday Type Fever Festival Karlsruhe 2019

© 2024 Massimiliano Audretsch. All rights reserved. Website Design & Development: Massimiliano Audretsch. Typeface: G2 TGR. All content, including images, designs, and text, is the property of Massimiliano Audretsch and his collaborators or partners. It may not be reproduced, distributed, or used without permission. The portfolio features personal and client work, shared with consent. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.